I am passionate about helping, supporting, and guiding you to grow, find, and

Love Your Truest Self.

Meet, Me!

I was born in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, and raised in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. My Mother became a school counselor when I was 13 years old, and my Father, who passed away that year, owned a Carpentry business. Both of my parents worked very hard to try and make ends meet for my 3 sisters and me. Scarcity and financial struggles were prevalent in my home. As were sarcasm, criticism, defensiveness, and contempt (the Gottman Methods “Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse”). My grandmother, who was very critical and suffered from some deep unhealed trauma wounds, was our nanny and began educating us before kindergarten even started. The daily studies she taught my sisters and I set us up to be ahead in school. Subsequently, we were all in higher education classes, as well as honor roll students. We excelled in the arts, performing arts, and academics. We each played multiple musical instruments and trained in dance, singing, art , or other artistic classes.

However, besides those commonalities, I was a very different child from all my sisters. I was a very tenacious and fiery little girl. I loved to perform, be the center of attention, dress in unique and sexy ways, dance, sing, and play mischievous games. I found myself getting in trouble and sent to my room alone a lot; where I couldn’t come out until I agreed to be “good”. I didn’t understand why my natural instincts were “bad”. All I wanted was to be understood, loved, and accepted. But what I often felt was confused, lonely, and angry. I was bullied pretty consistently at school, and I felt like the odd man out at home. My Dad was my biggest ally and when I lost him unexpectedly to a stroke at age 39, I suffered from trauma, shock, Post traumatic stress disorder, depression, and began having panic attacks. I suffered additional trauma via sexual abuse that same year. The Doctors tried to put me on anti-depressants, and although I do believe those may be the right course of treatment for many individuals, I did not feel they were right for me. I wanted something more natural, and ultimately I wanted to figure out a natural course for how to truly heal the root causes of my pains, and not need to use a daily medication.

I began attending one-on-one counseling sessions and from thereon out I was hooked! I loved the learning the information about why our brains and feelings acted/reacted the way they did. I loved the validation I received when explaining my emotions and hearing why they were perfectly normal. I attended counseling, personal growth seminars, and retreats for teens throughout my adolescence. I LOVED psychology and all the tools my therapists and counselors had! I knew these topics were resonating with me innately, and I felt called to them.

However, the non-linear experience of healing from trauma caught up with me. I found myself self-medicating and eventually not coming home for long periods of time. I experienced additional sexual abuse throughout this time and found myself dating emotionally unavailable people who were abusive in one way or another. I got into trouble with the law by the time I was 16 and went through a year of counseling / in depth healing and growth. At this point I fully moved out of my childhood home and got a full time job. My personal experiences with trauma, relational emotional / physical, and sexual abuse continued until around my 21st birthday.

For more than a decade from, age 18 up until 2022, I was a career model and dancer in Las Vegas. After suffering a trauma and shock right before NYE 2022, my post traumatic stress disorder, generalized anxiety disorder and depression returned in my grief stricken state. I spent the entirety of the healing time from that point to now, dedicated to learning everything I could about vulnerability, relationships, attachment theory, childhood wounds, trauma healing, and eventually leaning into the spiritual world of meditation, grounding, and learning how to become self-full and whole. It was at this point in my healing and learning journey that I unknowingly, and unplanned, landed in the amazing world of feminine embodiment and the divine feminine.

In my very first unplanned Divine Feminine / Embodiment meditation, tears of joy streamed down my face as I felt and looked into the center of my heart to find “a supportive and loving guide”, and found that it was ME! My next Feminine meditation resulted in tears of joy and enlightenment as well. And thus; my true path was revealed to me. Not only has this been one of the main keys to my own personal healing journey, but it’s also unlocked my True Essence: the Inner Healer inside of me. I have never felt more aligned. The authentic, pure, free, and loved child inside of me that has been hidden and locked away under wounds and frozen traumatic experiences has finally be freed and brought back to light. Through learning and leaning into this world, I’m able to authentically live and love on a daily basis.

I’m so grateful for Jenna Ward (owner of the School of Embodiment Arts to which I attended for my Feminine Embodiment Coaching Certification) for all the work she has done to help those like myself who are drawn and pulled to this work through the magical ways of the Universe.

I know how hard traumas, loss, grief, scarcity mindsets, feeling misunderstood, lonely, angry, and scared to be vulnerable or your truest self can be. We are all in this human experience together. And yet, we are often unaware of our dysfunction and disembodiment. Nor are we usually taught the ways to dig into our frozen trauma or tension and release it out into flow.

You can really find your healing and the alignment with who you truly are at your core. Im passionate about holding a safe and secure space for your deep explorations and liberations. I love sharing knowledge, experience and being a guiding light. I aim to spread awareness that assists others with reigniting passion, joy and pleasure. I hope to support others to find their healing, their wholeness, their truths, and their pure Essence. I hope we can dance and flow together! Through awareness, awakening is possible for the collective global healing of toxic societal expectations. Let us each embrace and honor the True Divine Feminine Goddesses that we inherently are!

Love and Light,


“Through my own lived experiences; I’ve found my wholeness, my body connection, my inner goddess, and my truth: I want to help others heal. I want to BE love.”

I’'d love to personally stay in touch with you and send you additional information, insights, and the occasional free gift directly to your inbox! Join the Divinely Doing community email list!

I’d love to connect with you!

Have you felt you want to be “softer”, but found yourself being “harsh” or perceived ruder / more critical than you desire?

Finding vulnerability and the safety to be vulnerable requires building emotional security, first and foremost with yourself! Masculine vs feminine energies and our action (masculine) driven society has most of us ill-equipped to balance or reach our healthy feminine energy on our own. I have walked the path to learn about the door to vulnerability and how and when to open it. I had to thaw many frozen tensions, and find self nurturing and wholeness, to fuel and connect with the healed inner feminine side of myself that so badly wanted to be let out to play. I’d love to share this path with you!

Have you felt lost or buried your true self in an effort to be liked or accepted by others?

I understand feeling unaccepted, unseen, wrong, bad, misunderstood, unloved, and abandoned. I can relate to being anxious, in fear, avoidant, and not knowing what healthy boundary systems are or how to hold them. I would love to help you explore these tender bits and the underpinning truths that layer beneath them. Often, this uncomfortable path takes us through many deeply tender layers of limiting beliefs and roles we are playing that have been ingrained in us. I believe you can find the fullness and freedom of self love and healthy relationship boundaries with the proper tools and support. There’s a beautiful, strong, and wise Essence inside of you that deserves to be heard and held!

Have you suffered from anxiety, fear, tension, ruminating, overthinking, depression, traumas and microtraumas?

And though you’ve done lots of healing, you feel residual/lingering effects that pop up/get in your way? I too have been stuck in these overwhelming sensations and unsure of how to ever get back to “normal”, afraid that I may never fully heal. In these darkest times of my life I dedicated myself to learning all I could about the why’s and how’s. I insisted on using these rock bottom feelings and experiences to catapult me above and beyond where I was before. With the support, knowledge, and tools I gained in my own healing journeys, I have been able to come further than I ever imagined possible. I yearn to share, support, and help you find your peace and flow through the traumas, tensions, and tenderness and back to the wholeness of your inner felt Truth, as well!